
All of our projects tug at our heartstrings…


Jenn Shore Jenn Shore

One Room Challenge Week One

Hi friends! Today's the first day of the One Room Challenge and I'm thrilled to be participating in my first-ever room redesign for the event! We moved into our house here in Philly almost two years ago and the room I have chosen for this year's ORC has been struggling to have a purpose since we moved in. Technically we call it our guest room, and it has functioned as such when folks come to town and we quickly it up from the storage room it devolves to in between the guests. I've also used it for the majority of photography for the online shop, and on occasion it has functioned as an office for me to do interior design/admin work, but it's never really had the right pieces (or the right vibe) to make this work conducive. In the many moves and the many houses that we have lived in, I've realized that whenever a space doesn't have a purpose and it's not used on a regular basis, it tends to get pretty junked up. That is what has been happening with this space, without a good design and half-hearted purpose, it has functioned as more of a storage closet the last two years...filled with things we didn't know what else to do with, stacks of magazines, painting supplies, etc. To further add to my angst, this room is at the top of our stairs, and I hate to close the door (because it gets great light) so I walk by it daily and see the mess accumulating-oh vey! The time for this no mans land room is running short now though, I'm excited to dig in and give it some style and purpose!

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